✓ Can I install Windows Defender on Linux?

Security is key for most users, whatever the operating system they use. It is true that most attacks are designed for Microsoft's Windows, but that does not mean that the rest are not in danger. Here for example we refer to the different Linux distributions that we can use.
The software giant is fully aware that its operating system is one of the preferred software elements for cyber attackers. This is precisely why it takes certain protection measures to meet the needs of its hundreds of millions of users. One of the most important that we have encountered in recent years was the launch of its own security solution . Specifically, we refer to the antivirus known as Windows Defender , a software that has not stopped growing and improving over the years.

Keep in mind that this software is installed on the firm's system by default. This means that we will already be protected from the first moment we start working with our new computer. Despite the detractors of this solution, the truth is that it is becoming more powerful and effective. In fact, at the moment we could say that it has become one of the most reliable antivirus that we can use. But with everything and with it, despite the fact that we find it pre-installed, the software giant does not force us to use it either.

By this, what we mean is that we have the possibility of installing other third-party antivirus , after which Windows Defender is automatically deactivated.

Possibilities of using Windows Defender on Linux

The truth is that Microsoft is betting very hard on this proprietary security software. In this way, it launches new functions every so often and Windows Defender updates are almost constant. Precisely for this reason the company wants to bring its secure application to all users, devices and platforms. As an example, the Redmond firm even wants to reach our teams based on the open source operating system, Linux .

Yes, you heard correctly, in case you want to install Windows Defender on your Linux-based computer, it is possible . Although it is not necessary here, or at least essential to have an antivirus as it happens in Windows, this is a possibility that we can use. 

However, what we must bear in mind is that installing and operating this security solution in Linux is not as easy as it is in the Microsoft system. To achieve this, first of all, what we must do is meet a series of initial requirements.

The first thing is to check if the distribution in which we want to install Windows Defender is compatible with the antivirus. In addition, we must have some more advanced knowledge in the open source system itself in order to install it. 

This is something that we achieve through a series of commands that we use in the popular Terminal of the system. In conclusion, those who are used to using this operating system and wish to install Windows defender on Linux, will be able to do so without problems. In this way they will have a very useful security add-on to protect their data.

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