Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T User's Manual PDF Download

The Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T user's manual has been released by Acer at their website. The Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T user's manual is provided in PDF document format (31-pages, PDF) that you can download directly from Acer website. You can read this Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T user's manual by using PDF reader software/application. The Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T user's manual contains complete reference information about how to operate the Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T  Notebook properly, such as how to use the hardware, how to secure your Notebook, protecting data against viruses, Installing or replacing hardware, creating and using recovery media, basic troubleshooting and many more.

Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T User's Manual PDF Download

Table Of Contents :
- Getting started
- Your Acer Chromebook tour
- The Chrome OS Desktop
- Apps & extensions
- Chrome OS tips and tricks
- Settings
- Help

Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T Device Overview :
Front View :
Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T User's Manual PDF Download

1. Microphone. Internal microphone for sound recording.
2. Touchscreen. Displays computer output, supports multi-touch input.
3. Webcam. Web camera for video communication. A light next to the webcam indicates that  the webcam is active.

Keyboard View :
Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T User's Manual PDF Download

1. Keyboard. For entering data into your computer.
2. Touchpad / click button. Touch-sensitive pointing device which functions like a computer
mouse. Pressing down anywhere on the pad functions like the left button of a mouse.
Pressing down anywhere with two fingers functions like the right button of a mouse.

Download FREE Acer Chromebook R13 CB5-312T User's Manual.pdf (3.6MB)

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