There are two main reasons that cause a person to "retire" blogging:
1.Running out of topics.
2.Her blog is always deserted.
When just started blogging, we all diligently published articles ... nothing routine every day, there were a few times a week, some once a week, etc.
But after published many articles, still no visitors.
This could be the content of the article is not wrong or how you promote article.
But a mistake in choosing the topic of the article.
Yes, it is not all topics are destined to be popular. Even if you are targeting keywords with high search volume and low competition.
So, before you retire because the reason was learn how to get the topic content guaranteed to be popular.
The strategy that we will use
As explained earlier, even though the topic has a high search volume on Google Keyword Planner but not necessarily be popular.
Instead look for topics of GKP was the worst strategy utuk new blog.
Similarly, the search in Google.
First, for keywords with high volume weight definite rival. The new blog will be hard to find in the midst of heavy competition.
Second, low-volume keywords may not be popular when promoted.
In fact, as explained in the guide to increase visitors to this blog, so be strong SEO then the content should be popular first.
So this is our strategy:
Find a topic that is guaranteed to be popular, create content that is 10x better than rivals, then promote it the right way.
Here's how to find the topic.
Looking topic content proving popular
Topics that plays an important role. How good was your article, if the topic discussed is basically not interesting then it's useless.
Here we are not going to play a guessing assumptions and ...
We will look for a topic that proved to be / have been so popular.
Before that, I would ask first that the topics that we find may be inspired by other blogs. Although the same topic, but
it should not be the same.
1. Forums, Groups FB, G + Community
One of the main characteristics that a topic will be popular is the topic often asked by other people on community websites.
The three types of this community site is the champion.
Actually, the article you are reading now was inspired by the community site.
First of all, if you as a blogger not joined to a community website ... soon find that relate to the topic of your blog and then join in it.
Have an automotive blog? Gabunglah to the automotive group.
Got a tech blog? Gabunglah to the technology group.
To search for the right groups on Facebook, when in the search field: "Groups about [the topic]
". Enter [topic] according to the main topic of your blog, in Indonesian is also not a problem.
To find a forum, use Google with the keyword "forum [topic]".
Then in your community will find a lot of questions from members. More and more like her (or comments), the more popular the topic.
This question is often asked in one of the groups of SEO:
I therefore make an article about SEO online store ... and until now one of the most popular articles I published.
Whereas in the Google Keyword Planner, no nothing:
That's why community sites better than GKP.
2. Quora and Reddit
Both are using English as the primary language, and both are the biggest sites in the respective category.
There are unique from both these sites than the usual forum sites ...
... A voting system.
So if there is a topic or a discussion is much preferred by others, then they can be to vote the topic.
The higher the vote for her, the more popular the topic.
Suppose you want to create an article on productivity ... but of course, if you just write about "how to increase productivity" are all too common.
We can get inspiration from both these sites.
So much more interesting right?
The first question has an answer 164 and 1400 vote. The second question has an answer, and there are 15 300 310 followers. It is already proving popular.
To Reddit, not much different. Direct search with the keywords you want:
Due to the larger community, Reddit usually have more discussions on various topics.
But unfortunately it has been blocked by our beloved government. So if you do not have access to Reddit, just use Quora.
3. Get inspiration from other blogs
This technique is often done by the bloggers.
But usually the wrong way ... There is a direct bandwagon write all the topics of the blog that they imitate, others chose the wrong topic.
Follow this step so that you do not miscast.
First, find one (or more) blogs that have the same topic / like you. Use Google, enter the keyword "blog [topic]", and then select the blog that is really popular.
I will use StrategiManajemen for example.
Second, visit SocialCount or QuickSprout and enter the address of the blog earlier.
Wait a few minutes, the process will take longer for a website that has many pages.
... This is the most popular contents of its website.
From here you will have an idea, what content is going to get a lot of social media share.
Inspired by other people's legitimate ...
... But be careful.
When creating content on the same topic to blog a source of inspiration, do not get the same content (albeit rewritten with a different sentence).
Because if you rewrite, I am 100% sure your item will be worse than theirs.
If you like it, it is impossible contents so popular.
At the end of this article will explain how to create content.
4. Peek popular book on Amazon Kindle
If the blog is a book, then that content such as a chapter or sub-chapter.
So if we have a blog on a topic, we can find the most popular books on the topic and see what's covered in them.
The trick, stop by the nearest bookstore ...
Or see the largest online bookstore in the world: the Amazon.
Log into categories Kindle eBooks at Amazon.
Then in the search field at the top enter one of the main topics of your blog.
In this example I use "paleo diet" (a type of diet).
Then select one of the most popular books.
No need to buy ... just click on the cover image.
After that you will be shown some of the early pages of the book. Almost all books for Kindle on Amazon will show the following sections:
Table of contents…
This is what we will use as inspiration for a topic in the blog content.
Because it comes from the world's most popular book, the topics from the table of contents would have been assured.
5. Take a look at the most popular online course content Udemy
Udemy is one of the largest sites online courses in the world.
The principle is similar to the technique number 4 above.
The difference, in Udemy courses are popular more towards science "technology". Eg, programming, SEO, digital marketing, photography, graphic design, etc.
Although there is also a non-technology such as health and fitness, but it is like this in the Amazon is more complete.
First, search the keywords you select.
In this example I use "photography".
Then select one of the most popular courses of the search results.
Besides the title and rating, pay attention to the number of
his lectures. Click on the right one according to you.
Then scroll to the bottom, we'll be shown a list of contents:
Technique number 4 and 5 is very effective if the content of your blog in the form guide.
By using the table of contents and online courses only you can make the articles a series of guides which contain several chapters like on this page.
6. Find the most popular content on a common topic
There is a freemium tool that we can use for this one.
One of its functions is to look for content that get most shared on social media for keywords entered.
Alternatively, use Ahrefs Content Explorer
It's very simple, straight into one of the two such websites. Then enter the keywords you want.
Although somewhat similar to looking directly at Google, but from BuzzSumo usually we are given a very different content from each other.
7. Pinterest, a storehouse of ideas
Pinterest is a social network that is unique compared to Facebook and Twitter.
People active at this site is not to write status, or see pictures of his friend ... but to share interesting reading.
Then it is very easy to find articles popular on Pinterest.
Moreover, since Pinterest is designed as a source of ideas, features his very effective search to find a variety of interesting reading only from one keyword.
Compared looking directly at Google, the result will be much more diverse.
There was also a supporting statistics such as the number of Re-pin (like Retweet on Twitter) and Like.
Processing an idea into content
The main core is already finished.
8 of the above techniques is the best way to find topic ideas content really been popular. So before you start making any already convinced that this would be popular.
It's only when you successfully make the content better quality than existing ones.
What often happens like this:
1. Save interesting content from one blog
2. Create a new article on his own blog
3. Change the order of the points 1, 2, 3 and so on. of original content
4. Rewrite each sentence without changing the meaning
It's guaranteed not to succeed.
It is true that the article be 'unique' because it is not the same ... but the essence remains the exact same.
You are in the classroom, 2 friends you will be a presentation in turn.
After the completion of the first friend, apparently a friend of both presentations the exact same thing. What changed only the order and sentence.
Do people still willing to listen?
Would not ... everyone in the class was going to protest.
Despite all the different sentences of 100% but there is no new information that is valuable to the listener / reader.
So this is how to make the content ...
After you specify one of the topics, find a minimum of 5 best articles on the same topic. Read it all.
See what's different, what its shortcomings.
Create new content information:
1. New and different (not just the order and sentence)
2. Much more complete
3. More interesting and easy to understand
Further guidance regarding this method is described in KTP.
Lastly, no matter how well the content will never be popular if not promoted. Therefore make sure you promote your content is published.
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